DRAFT Carbon Call - Discoverable Data & Metadata (v1.0.230919)

Living Document,

This version:
Issue Tracking:
Marley Gray (Microsoft)


Data sharing is vital for the maturity of the carbon accounting ecosystem. The issue of data sharing can be broken down into 2 basic categories: 1) what to share and 2) how to share. Within each category, there are major subcategories like data discoverability and privacy that also need to be addressed. This specification helps categorize many of the existing industry efforts into the context of these two categories and their sub-categories.

1. Introduction

Carbon accounting has a data problem. This data problem has many compounding causes, many of which can be traced back to a lack of data sharing between organizations. The issue of data sharing can be broken down into 2 basic categories:

Within each category, there are major subcategories like data discoverability and privacy that also need to be addressed. There are multiple initiatives across the industry to address these issues, but they are not being designed in a way that will allow them to work together. This specification will help connect these initiatives and provide a framework for future initiatives to be designed in a way that will allow them to work together. Some basic capabilities need to be provided in order to effectively enable data sharing.

Carbon Call is working on establishing a common smart dictionary to help establish a baseline of common terms and definitions so that parties can agree on the language of carbon accounting. We also need to establish what data needs to be shared in a way that is extensible for industry sectors and different jurisdictions. Common infrastructure for how to share data is also needed, which includes the ability to discover and control who can access the data.

This framework is primarily concerned with what to share, via a flexible data model that can allow for organizations to share standard reporting metadata as well as establish context or defined extensions to support custom metadata between organizations or well understood vertical industry metadata.

For example, the Metadata Framework would allow for one organization to request a custom set of metadata that is only relavent to their business relationship and would be meaningless to other parties. This ad hoc metadata can then be added to the metadata messages passed between the organizations and be machine readable and understood without manual intervention. These are refered to as PropertyContextExtension for individual properties or MetaTag for the entire report, in the framework.

For metadata that would be highly relavent for a certain industry vertical, like manufacturing or retail, a defined metadata extension can be established and reused by organizations in those verticals without having to negotiate what the metadata messages would be up front. These are refered to as MetadataExtension extensions in the framework.

Metadata produced in the framework follows the discoverable data identifier recommend and the metadata will travel with a report by having the same GRID. For consideration, would be the use this same framework for non-reporting data sharing between organizations. For example, the WBCSD:PACT initiative has defined the Pathfinder 2.0 Framework for the exchanging of Product Footprint data, which includes the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF). It defines a data model or schema for what a Product Footprint looks like, or the what to share, as well as a way to establish MetadataExtension. It does not define a way to allow for organizations to define ad hoc requests for additional metadata. This metadata framework could also support the ability for organizations to request additional metadata about portions of a PCF that could be restricted or not relavent to other organizations.

How to share metadata can be more complex. It is recommended that for public, non-restricted metadata to travel alongside regular reporting channels with the enhanced discovery capabilities using GRID. For the sharing of restricted or private data where control of sharing is desired, it is recommended that the Carbon Call follow the emerging Data Spaces standards in development. Data Spaces address broad requirements for establishing data sharing networks where organizations can control what data they share as well as discover data that is available by other parties using multi-layered policy and data sharing contracts. A 1.0 Data Space specification standard is expected to be completed by the Eclipse Foundation in early 2024 and interoperable vendor implementations are expected to follow to become more widely available.

The Carbon Call Metadata Framework will be designed to be compatible with the Data Space specification and will be updated as the Data Space specification evolves.

This specification is a work in progress and is subject to change. It is not a final or otherwise published version.

1.1. Status of this Document

Comments regarding the document are welcome, please file issues directly on GitHub.

1.2. Scope

The scope of this document is to reach consensus on a Discoverable Sustainability Dat and Metadata.

1.3. Intended Audience

This technical specification is for

1.4. About the Carbon Call Discoverable Data & Metadata Expert Workgroups

The Carbon Call Discoverable Data & Metadata Expert Workgroups is a group of experts from the Carbon Call community who are working to define a how sustainability data can be made discoverable and usable with the use of and inclusion of metadata.

1.5. Disclaimer

While Carbon Call encourages the implementation of the technical specifications by all entities for interoperability, those organiazations and individuals who contributed to the development of this document does not assume responsibility for any consequences or damages resulting directly or indirectly from the use of this document.

1.6. License

The license can be found in Appendix A: License.

2. Terminology

Carbon Call

Carbon Call is a community of sustainability experts who are working together to define a common data model and data dictionary for sustainability data.


A sustainability report is a document that describes the sustainability performance of an organization, a product, or a service. A sustainability report is also known as a sustainability disclosure, a sustainability statement, or a sustainability data sheet.

Product Footprint

A WBCSD:PACT Product Footprint a specification for a product footprint that is based on the WBCSD:PCF Product Carbon Footprint methodology. This framework is interoperable with the Pathfinder network and provides footprint extensions.


A Dataspace is an open specification for establishing data sharing networks between organizations to facilitate controlled sharing of data.


Metadata is data that describes other data. Metadata is used to provide information about the data, such as how it was created, when it was last updated, and how it should be interpreted.

Report Metadata

A Sustainability Report Metadata is a set of metadata about a sustainability report that is used to discover, understand, and use the sustainability report.


A simple name/value pair that is used to describe a piece of metadata.


Metadata is applied to a context, i.e., a report, a section of a report, a property, etc. The context is the thing that the metadata is describing.

Report Context

Metadata that applies to the entire report.

Property Context Extension

Metadata that applies to a property of the report, e.g., a section or an individual property.

Global Report Identifier (GR.ID)

A Global Report Identifier (GR.ID) is a unique identifier for a sustainability report. The Global Report Identifier (GR.ID) is generated by the GR.ID platform collects a range of metadata about the report, and then calculates a unique hash (or fingerprint) for the report.

3. Discoverable Data and Metadata

Discoverable data defines the way data is packaged, identified and made available for discovery. Discoverable data is a key component of the Carbon Call data model and data dictionary. A part of the data be discovered are a set of metadata that describes the data. The metadata is used to discover, understand, and use the data.

3.1. Sustainability Report Schema

A report schema is a set of normative data elements that identify a report and describe the data contained in the report. The report schema is used to validate the report data and also provide a set of metadata about the report.

3.1.1. Properties

The Sustainability Report has the following properties:

Property Type Req Specification
GRID : GRID String M The Sustainabilty Report global identifier, See § 3.21 Data Type: GRID for details.
metadata Object M A metadata object, see § 3.2 Data Type: Metadata for details.
report : String M The report data serialized as a bytestring or Base64 encoded string.
Properties of a Sustainability Report

3.2. Data Type: Metadata

Report Metadata contains non-normative information about the targeted report and its contents. Typically a report will follow a normative standard, or a defined set of rules, and the metadata will provide information about the report that is not covered by the standard. For example, the metadata may contain information about the organization that produced the report, the reporting period, the industry, the assurance provider, etc.

Here we have defined a set of normative metadata tags and also provide a mechanism for adding non-normative metadata tags that can be attached to a report or property context. See § 3.11 Data Type: Metatag for details.

3.2.1. Properties

A metadata object has the following properties:

Property Type Req Specification
GRID GRID String M The GRID of the report that the metadata is about, see § 3.21 Data Type: GRID for details.
organizationIdentifier String M A unique identifier for the organization that produced the report.
organizationName String M The name of the organization that produced the report.
domicile String M The country where the organization is domiciled. The country MUST be specified using the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
operatingCountries Array M The countries where the organization operates. The countries MUST be specified using the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
languages Array M The languages used in the report. The languages MUST be specified using the ISO 639-1 language code.
reportType : ReportType String M The type of the report. The report type MUST be specified using the ReportType enumeration, see § 3.24 Data Type: ReportType for details.
reportIssueDate String M The date the report was issued. The date MUST be specified using the ISO 8601 date format.
reportingPeriod : TimePeriod Object M The reporting period of the report. The reporting period MUST be specified using the TimePeriod type, see § 3.3 Data Type: TimePeriod for details.
reportReplaces String M The GRID of the report that this report replaces, if any. See § 3.21 Data Type: GRID for details.
location String M The location of the report. The location MUST be specified using a URL or URI.
industry String M The industry of the organization. The industry MUST be specified using the Industry type, see § 3.4 Data Type: Industry for details.
performance String M xBRL-JSON snippet that provides certain performance information.
governance : Governance Object M The governance of the organization. The governance MUST be specified using the Governance type, see § 3.7 Data Type: Governance for details.
methodology : Methodology Object M The methodology used in the report. The methodology MUST be specified using the Methodology type, see § 3.8 Data Type: Methodology for details.
reportFormat : ReportFormat String M The string name for the format of the report. The report format MUST be specified using the ReportFormat enumeration, see § 3.22 Data Type: ReportFormat for details.
reportingStandard : ReportingStandard String M The string name for the reporting standard used in the report. The reporting standard MUST be specified using the ReportingStandard enumeration, see § 3.23 Data Type: ReportingStandard for details.
assurance String M Scheme prefix and identifier for the provider that conducted the assurance or audit.
priorReport String M The GRID of the report that this report is based on, if any. See § 3.21 Data Type: GRID for details.
reportHash String M SHA-256 hash of the report.
activities : Activity Array O A collection of activities, by Activity. See § 3.5 Data Type: Activity for details.
reportContextExtension: Metatag Array O A collection of Metatag for the report context, grouped into an extension. See § 3.11 Data Type: Metatag for details.
propertyContextExtension: PropertyContextExtension Array O A collection of Report Property Context Extension metadata using PropertyContextExtension, grouped into an extension. See § 3.13 Data Type: PropertyContextExtension for details. |
metadataExtensions: MetadataExtension Array O A collection of metadata extensions using MetadataExtension. See § 3.14 Data Type: MetadataExtension for details. |
pfExtensions: ProductFootprintExtension Array O A collection of product footprint extensions using ProductFootprintExtension. See § 3.17 Data Type: ProductFootprintExtension for details.
relatedReports : GRID Array O A collection of related reports, by GRID. For example, a reference to a financial disclosure, etc. See § 3.21 Data Type: GRID for details.
Properties of a Metadata Object

3.3. Data Type: TimePeriod

A reporting period is a set of reporting period elements that describe the reporting period of a sustainability report.

3.3.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
startDate String M The start date of the reporting period. The date MUST be specified using the ISO 8601 date format.
endDate String M The end date of the reporting period. The date MUST be specified using the ISO 8601 date format.
Properties of a Reporting Period

3.4. Data Type: Industry

An industry is a set of industry elements that describe the industry of an organization.

3.4.1. Properties

Industry has the following properties:

Property Type Req Specification
sector String M The sector of the industry. The sector MUST be specified using the Sector enumeration.
businessActivity String M The business activity of the industry. The business activity MUST be specified using the BusinessActivity enumeration.
Properties of an Industry

3.5. Data Type: Activity

An activity, e.g., heating, cooling, & lighting a facility, travel, transportation, purchase. The activity metadata element can scope metatdata around a specific activity contained in the report.

3.5.1. Properties

Activity has the following properties:

Property Type Req Specification
activityType String M An activity (heating, cooling, & lighting a facility, travel, transportation, purchase)
unitOfMeasure : Unit String M The unit of measure for the activity. The unit of measure MUST be specified using the Unit enumeration.
activityAmount String M The numerical amount in the Unit of the activity, formated as a string, see § 3.20 Data Type: String for details.
activityPeriod : TimePeriod Object M The time period of the activity. See § 3.3 Data Type: TimePeriod for details.
activityDescription String O A description of the activity.
activityLocation : GeographicLocation Object O The geographic location of the activity. See § 3.9 Data Type: GeographicLocation for details.
activityFactorAndSource : FactorAndSource Object O The factor and source of the activity. See § 3.6 Data Type: FactorAndSource for details.
relatedMetadata : Metalink Array O An optional collection of related metadata, by Metalink. See § 3.12 Data Type: Metalink for details.
Properties of an Activity

3.6. Data Type: FactorAndSource

A factor and source is a set of factor and source elements that describe the factor and source of an activity.

3.6.1. Properties

Factor and source has the following properties:

Property Type Req Specification
factorType : FactorType String M The factor of the activity. The factor MUST be specified using the Factor enumeration, see § 3.28 Data Type: FactorType for details.
factorUnit : Unit String M The the unit of measure for the factor type, see § 3.27 Data Type: Unit for details.
factorSource String M Source of emission factors, e.g., government agency such EPA, DEFRA, etc., commercial data base such as GABI, Ecoinvent, etc. OR, supplier provided.
factorPrecision Object M The precision of the factor. See § 3.10 Data Type: PrecisionMix for details.
Properties of a Factor and Source

3.7. Data Type: Governance

A governance is a set of governance elements that describe the governance the organization follows in the report.

3.7.1. Properties

Governance has the following properties:

Property Type Req Specification
intendedUse String M The intended use of the report.
restrictedAccess Boolean M Whether the report is restricted access or not.
reportOwner String M The organization that owns the report.
Properties of a Governance

3.8. Data Type: Methodology

A methodology is a set of methodology elements that describe the methodology used to prepare the report.

3.8.1. Properties

Methodology has the following properties:

Property Type Req Specification
methodologyType String M The methodology used to prepare the report. The methodology MUST be specified using the Methodology enumeration, see § 3.25 Data Type: MethodologyType for details.
percentageOfTotalPortfolioReported Number M The percentage of the total portfolio scope 1, scope 2, and scope 3 emissions reported. The percentage MUST be represented as a string, see § 3.20 Data Type: String for details.
percentageOfEstimatedCalculations Number M The percentage of reported scope1, scope2, & scope3 emissions calculated based on actual data vs. estimated data. The percentage MUST be represented as a string, see § 3.20 Data Type: String for details.
boundaryApproach : BoundaryApproach String M The boundary approach used to determine the scope of the report. The boundary approach MUST be specified using the BoundaryApproach enumeration, see § 3.26 Data Type: BoundaryApproach for details.
Properties of a Methodology

3.9. Data Type: GeographicLocation

The GeographicLocation is a data type that can represent a GNSS/GPS point location for projects like a facility or building and or a geographic area, like a land project using a polygon represented as a string or file. *Either the longitude and latitude or the string or file for the area must have a value.

3.9.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
latitude : Decimal O* The latitude of the location using Decimal Degrees.
longitude : Decimal O* The longitude of the location using Decimal Degrees.
geoJsonOrKml : String O* The geoJson or KML as a minimized string of the geographic area.
geographicLocationFile String O* The URI to the geographic location file, Geojson, KML, etc., for larger geographic data sets.
Properties of data type GeographicLocation

3.10. Data Type: PrecisionMix

The mix of precision, by percentage, of the measurement specification used for the activity. The sum of all the mixes must be 100 for 100%.

3.10.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
low : Decimal M The percentage of estimated or factored precision for the project, 10 = 10%.
medium : Decimal M The percentage of indirect high quality precision for the project, 20 = 20%.
high : Decimal M The percentage of direct highly accurate measurements for the project, i.e., from sensors, 50 = 50%.
Properties of data type PrecisionMix

3.11. Data Type: Metatag

A metatag is a user defined key-value pair that represents a metadata element. The key is a string that represents the name of the metadata element, and the value is a string that represents the value of the metadata element.

3.11.1. Properties

Metatag has the following properties:

Property Type Req Specification
key String M The key of the metatag.
value String M The value of the metatag.
relatedMetadata : Metalink Array O An optional collection of related metadata, by Metalink. See § 3.12 Data Type: Metalink for details.
Properties of a Metatag

A metalink is a URI or JSON path to other metadata related to the metadata it is attached to.

Metalink has the following properties:

3.13. Data Type: PropertyContextExtension

A property context allows for a grouping of metatags that are associated with a specific property. For example, a property context may be used to group metatags that are associated with a specific indicator, or a specific aspect.

3.13.1. Properties

PropertyContextExtension has the following properties:

Property Type Req Specification
property String M The property name for the context. The property MUST be the normative name for the property for the report’s specification. For example, the property name can be section 1.1.1, etc.
metatags : Metatag Array M A collection of metatags using Metatags. See § 3.11 Data Type: Metatag for details.
relatedMetadata : Metalink Array O An optional collection of related metadata, by Metalink. See § 3.12 Data Type: Metalink for details.
Properties of a Property Context Extension

3.14. Data Type: MetadataExtension

A metadata extension is a Json schema based extension that can be used to store data that is defined by another specification, industry or agreement.

3.14.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
dataSchema : String M The Url/Uri to the Json extension file for the schema, see § 3.15 Metadata Extension Schema File: MetadataExtensionDefinition for details.
documentation: String M The Url/Uri to the documentation for the extension, see § 3.16 Extension Documentation: ExtensionDocumentation for details.
data : String M A Json object that contains the data for the extension, see § 3.15 Metadata Extension Schema File: MetadataExtensionDefinition for details.
Properties of data type MetadataExtension

3.15. Metadata Extension Schema File: MetadataExtensionDefinition

Every extension MUST define a valid JSON Schema document according to the JSON Schema specification. The extension schema file defines the data encoding and syntactical data validation details.

Authors of extension schema definitions SHOULD attempt to add as many validation rules as possible such that data validation can be automated as much as possible.

Extension schemas SHOULD be defined in a way to make illegal extension representations unrepresentable.

Additional details which are not representable in JSON Schema such as data semantics or validation rules, MUST be defined in the extension documentation (§ 3.16 Extension Documentation: ExtensionDocumentation).

3.16. Extension Documentation: ExtensionDocumentation

The extension documentation is a human-readable document that describes the extension in detail. Extension document MUST be written in English. The documentation CAN be offered as a translation in other languages as well.

The documentation MUST include:

  1. Version of the extension and the document. The value MUST be a string in the format major.minor.patch as defined in Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.

  2. If the extension was updated, the document MUST include a changelog. The changelog MUST contain a summary of the changes between subsequent versions.

  3. A description of the extension, including the business case addressed by the extension and the business value gained by extending the Pathfinder Data Model. 2.1 This includes methodological alignment of the extension, especially covering the alignment with the Pathfinder Framework if applicable.

  4. A public URL to the § 3.15 Metadata Extension Schema File: MetadataExtensionDefinition.

  5. A license declaration covering the documentation, the extension schema file, and their use.

  6. Electronic contact information on how to get in touch with the authors and maintainers of the extension.

3.17. Data Type: ProductFootprintExtension

A Product Footprint Extension is a set of metadata that is a companion to a Product Footprint. This extension is used to provide additional metadata about the product footprint, some of which can be private and only shared under a Dataspace contract.

3.17.1. Properties

A Product Footprint Extension has the following properties:

Property Type Req Specification
pfId : Id String M The Id of the Product Footprint, see § 3.18 Data Type: Id for details.
pcfPropertyData: PropertyContextExtension Array M A collection of Product Footprint Property Context Extension metadata using PropertyContextExtension. Can be added for specific properties in a Product Footprint to add additional metadata about the value in the footprint. See § 3.13 Data Type: PropertyContextExtension for details.
Properties of data type ProductFootprintExtension

3.18. Data Type: Id

A Id MUST either be a UUID v4 as specified in [RFC4122].

or a unique key that can be represented as a string.

3.18.1. JSON Representation

Each Id MUST be encoded as a JSON String, see § 3.20.1 JSON Data Representation for details.

Example JSON string value:

***json "f4b1225a-bd44-4c8e-861d-079e4e1dfd69"

3.19. Data Type: Decimal

A dotted-decimal number.

Example values:

3.19.1. JSON Representation

Each Decimal MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.20. Data Type: String

A regular UTF-8 String.

3.20.1. JSON Data Representation

Each String MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.21. Data Type: GRID

A Unique 8 digit alphanumeric identifier. Omits [0/O | 1/I] to avoid ambiguity, case insensitive. Example: R3AK.XF9B.24, where part1 = R3AK and part2 = XF9B, separated by a dot. The postfix checksum is 24 separated by a dot. has a 2 digit numeric checksum, postfix, used to avoid typos in situations where the GRID is retyped.

3.21.1. JSON Representation

Each GRID MUST be encoded as a JSON String, see § 3.20.1 JSON Data Representation for details.

Example JSON string value:

***json "7PBR.R569.29"

3.22. Data Type: ReportFormat

The format of the report, this is a non-exhastive list and needs expanding. The value MUST be one of the following:


for No Report Format


for PDF


for HTML


for DOCX


for XLSX


for CSV


for XML


for JSON


for XBRL

3.22.1. JSON Representation

Each ReportFormat MUST be encoded as a JSON String, see § 3.20 Data Type: String for details.

3.23. Data Type: ReportingStandard

The reporting standard used for the report, this is a non-exhastive list and needs expanding. The value MUST be one of the following:


for No Reporting Standard


for Global Reporting Initiative


for CDP, formerly Carbon Disclosure Project


for Sustainability Accounting Standards Board


for International Integrated Reporting Council

3.23.1. JSON Representation

Each ReportingStandard MUST be encoded as a JSON String, see § 3.20 Data Type: String for details.

3.24. Data Type: ReportType

The type of report, this is a non-exhastive list and needs expanding. The value MUST be one of the following:


for No Report Type


for Annual Report


for Financial Report


for Proxy Statement


for Corporate Sustainability Report Declaration Report


for CDP, formerly Carbon Disclosure Project, Report


for Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Report

3.24.1. JSON Representation

Each ReportType MUST be encoded as a JSON String, see § 3.20 Data Type: String for details.

3.25. Data Type: MethodologyType

The methodology used for the report, this is a non-exhastive list and needs expanding. The value MUST be one of the following:


for Unknown


for GHG Protocol


for ISO 14067


for Other

3.25.1. JSON Representation

Each MethodologyType MUST be encoded as a JSON String, see § 3.20 Data Type: String for details.

3.26. Data Type: BoundaryApproach

The boundary approach used for the report, this is a non-exhastive list and needs expanding. The value MUST be one of the following:


for Operational Control


for Financial Control


for Equity Share

3.26.1. JSON Representation

Each BoundaryApproach MUST be encoded as a JSON String, see § 3.20 Data Type: String for details.

3.27. Data Type: Unit

Unit is the enumeration of accepted declared units with values, not complete.


for unit liter


for unit kilogram

cubic meter

for cubic meter


for kilowatt


for megawatt


for megajoule

ton kilometer

for ton kilometer

square meter

for square meter


for tonne of CO2e


for tonne of CO2


for tonne of CH4


for tonne of N2O


for megawatt hour


for kilowatt hour

3.27.1. JSON Representation

The value of each Unit MUST be encoded as a JSON String, see § 3.20 Data Type: String for details.

3.28. Data Type: FactorType

FactorType is the enumeration of accepted declared factor types with values.


for Unknown


for Estimated


for Factored


for Measured

3.28.1. JSON Representation

The value of each FactorType MUST be encoded as a JSON String, see § 3.20 Data Type: String for details.

4. Samples

4.1. Sustainability Report

Sustainability Report:
  "grid": "7DT6.R5BF.32",
  "metadata": {
    "grid": "7DT6.R5BF.32",
    "organizationIdentifier": "LEI: 254900OPPU84GM83MG36",
    "organizationName": "CarbonCall",
    "domicile": "US",
    "operatingCountries": [
    "languages": [
    "reportType": "SustainabilityReport",
    "reportIssueDate": "2021-01-01",
    "reportingPeriod": {
      "startDate": "2020-01-01",
      "endDate": "2020-12-31"
    "reportReplaces": "",
    "location": "https://carboncall.io/reportFromPeriod.json",
    "industry": {
      "prefix": "ISIC",
      "code": "6201"
    "performance": "{'Perf1':{'name':'Perf1','type':'performance','value':127000,'unit':'tCO2e'},'Perf2':{'name':'Perf2','type':'performance','value':0,'min':0,'max':100,'step':1,'unit':'%'}} ",
    "goverance": {
      "intendedUse": "Public",
      "restrictedAccess": false,
      "reportOwner": "CarbonCall"
    "methodology": {
      "methodologyType": "GhgProtocol",
      "percentageOfTotalPortfolioReported": "100",
      "percentageOfEstimatedCalculations": "82",
      "boundaryApproach": "OperationalControl"
    "reportFormat": "IXBRL",
    "reportingStandard": "ISSB",
    "assurance": "DE_BaFIN: 1234567890",
    "priorReport": "",
    "reportHash": "dftaae3297i89798adsdf832adfs912231azsdf",
    "activities": [
        "activityType": "Heating",
        "unitOfMeasure": "TonneCo2E",
        "activityAmount": "198.31",
        "activityPeriod": {
          "startDate": "2020-01-01",
          "endDate": "2020-12-31"
        "activityDescription": "Heating of buildings",
        "activityLocation": {
          "longitude": "123.456",
          "latitude": "0.12123",
          "geoJsonOrKml": "",
          "geographicLocationFile": ""
        "activityFactorAndSource": {
          "factorType": "Factored",
          "factorUnit": "TonneHfc",
          "factorSource": "https://www.epa.gov/energy/greenhouse-gases-equivalencies-calculator-calculations-and-references",
          "factorPrecision": {
            "low": 70,
            "medium": 20,
            "high": 10
        "relatedMetadata": [
            "relatedMetadataPath": "Metadata/Activities/Heating/ActivityFactorAndSource"
    "reportContextExtensions": [
        "key": "Author Contact Email",
        "value": "someone@somewhere.com",
        "relatedMetadata": []
        "key": "Author Contact Phone",
        "value": "123-456-7890",
        "relatedMetadata": []
    "propertyContextExtensions": [
        "propertyName": "Section 1.2.1",
        "metatags": [
            "key": "Carbon Offset Ratio",
            "value": "1.2",
            "relatedMetadata": []
        "relatedMetadata": []
        "propertyName": "Section 1.2.2",
        "metatags": [
            "key": "GHG Adjustment Exception",
            "value": "GGP-1_2_2",
            "relatedMetadata": []
        "relatedMetadata": []
    "metatdataExtensions": [
        "dataSchema": "https://carboncall.io/schemas/2024/01/01/CarbonCallMetadata.json",
        "documentation": "https://carboncall.io/docs/2024/01/01/CarbonCallMetadata.html",
        "data": "{'@context':'compliancemetrics.org','@type':'compliancemetrics.org/ComplianceMetric','name':'compliancemetrics.org/ComplianceMetric/1.0/1','jurisdiction':'eu','factorCompliance':0.5,'factorCompleteness':0.73,'factorCorrectness':0.9,'accessibility':100}"
    "pfExtensions": [
        "pfId": "db41d492-19e0-4430-9404-aa545f661525",
        "pcfPropertyData": [
            "propertyName": "pcf/pCfExcludingBiogenic",
            "metatags": [
                "key": "majorExcludingBiogenicSourcePCF_Id",
                "value": "133b7c8d-66b2-4033-9439-95f091b62935",
                "relatedMetadata": []
            "relatedMetadata": []
    "relatedReports": [
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4.2. Sustainability Report Metadata

Sustainability Report Metadata:
  "grid": "7DT6.R5BF.32",
  "organizationIdentifier": "LEI: 254900OPPU84GM83MG36",
  "organizationName": "CarbonCall",
  "domicile": "US",
  "operatingCountries": [
  "languages": [
  "reportType": "SustainabilityReport",
  "reportIssueDate": "2021-01-01",
  "reportingPeriod": {
    "startDate": "2020-01-01",
    "endDate": "2020-12-31"
  "reportReplaces": "",
  "location": "https://carboncall.io/reportFromPeriod.json",
  "industry": {
    "prefix": "ISIC",
    "code": "6201"
  "performance": "{'Perf1':{'name':'Perf1','type':'performance','value':127000,'unit':'tCO2e'},'Perf2':{'name':'Perf2','type':'performance','value':0,'min':0,'max':100,'step':1,'unit':'%'}} ",
  "goverance": {
    "intendedUse": "Public",
    "restrictedAccess": false,
    "reportOwner": "CarbonCall"
  "methodology": {
    "methodologyType": "GhgProtocol",
    "percentageOfTotalPortfolioReported": "100",
    "percentageOfEstimatedCalculations": "82",
    "boundaryApproach": "OperationalControl"
  "reportFormat": "IXBRL",
  "reportingStandard": "ISSB",
  "assurance": "DE_BaFIN: 1234567890",
  "priorReport": "",
  "reportHash": "dftaae3297i89798adsdf832adfs912231azsdf",
  "activities": [
      "activityType": "Heating",
      "unitOfMeasure": "TonneCo2E",
      "activityAmount": "198.31",
      "activityPeriod": {
        "startDate": "2020-01-01",
        "endDate": "2020-12-31"
      "activityDescription": "Heating of buildings",
      "activityLocation": {
        "longitude": "123.456",
        "latitude": "0.12123",
        "geoJsonOrKml": "",
        "geographicLocationFile": ""
      "activityFactorAndSource": {
        "factorType": "Factored",
        "factorUnit": "TonneHfc",
        "factorSource": "https://www.epa.gov/energy/greenhouse-gases-equivalencies-calculator-calculations-and-references",
        "factorPrecision": {
          "low": 70,
          "medium": 20,
          "high": 10
      "relatedMetadata": [
          "relatedMetadataPath": "Metadata/Activities/Heating/ActivityFactorAndSource"
  "reportContextExtensions": [
      "key": "Author Contact Email",
      "value": "someone@somewhere.com",
      "relatedMetadata": []
      "key": "Author Contact Phone",
      "value": "123-456-7890",
      "relatedMetadata": []
  "propertyContextExtensions": [
      "propertyName": "Section 1.2.1",
      "metatags": [
          "key": "Carbon Offset Ratio",
          "value": "1.2",
          "relatedMetadata": []
      "relatedMetadata": []
      "propertyName": "Section 1.2.2",
      "metatags": [
          "key": "GHG Adjustment Exception",
          "value": "GGP-1_2_2",
          "relatedMetadata": []
      "relatedMetadata": []
  "metatdataExtensions": [
      "dataSchema": "https://carboncall.io/schemas/2024/01/01/CarbonCallMetadata.json",
      "documentation": "https://carboncall.io/docs/2024/01/01/CarbonCallMetadata.html",
      "data": "{'@context':'compliancemetrics.org','@type':'compliancemetrics.org/ComplianceMetric','name':'compliancemetrics.org/ComplianceMetric/1.0/1','jurisdiction':'eu','factorCompliance':0.5,'factorCompleteness':0.73,'factorCorrectness':0.9,'accessibility':100}"
  "pfExtensions": [
      "pfId": "21f9e79a-1239-4080-8151-08cd1ecbfaf8",
      "pcfPropertyData": [
          "propertyName": "pcf/pCfExcludingBiogenic",
          "metatags": [
              "key": "majorExcludingBiogenicSourcePCF_Id",
              "value": "8237be0b-b059-4829-83d8-ebb938cae092",
              "relatedMetadata": []
          "relatedMetadata": []
  "relatedReports": [
Response headers
 content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 
 date: Tue,19 Sep 2023 14:37:34 G

Appendix A: License

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2023 Carbon Call

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Appendix B: Changelog

Here we will document changes in the specification as they are made.

Version 1.0.20230627 (June 27, 2023)

Version 1.0.20230725 (July 25, 2023)

Version 1.0.20230728 (July 28, 2023)

Version 1.0.20230906 (September 6, 2023)

Version 1.0.230911 (September 11, 2023)

Version 1.0.230912 (September 12, 2023)

Version 1.0.230919 (September 19, 2023)


Terms defined by this specification


Normative References

International Data Spaces Association. International Data Spaces. 1 January 2021. Informational. URL: https://internationaldataspaces.org
T. Berners-Lee; R. Fielding; L. Masinter. Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax. January 2005. Internet Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986
P. Leach; M. Mealling; R. Salz. A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace. July 2005. Proposed Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4122
Tom Preston-Werner. Semantic Versioning. 1 January 2013. Informational. URL: https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html